
Are Bengal Cats Hypoallergenic | Full Information

Are Bengal cats hypoallergenic? In the strictest sense, no. The good news is that they are less likely to have allergies than other cats, such as Maine Coons, Persians, and Norwegian Forest cats.

Untamed explains:

  • Why are Bengalis less likely to develop allergic reactions than other breeds?
  • How do you know if your Bengal kitty is allergic?
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You came to this page because you have questions about Bengal cats and their allergies. What makes Bengal cats special? Why are they considered hypoallergenic? Can you live with a Bengal cat if you have a severe cat allergy? What causes cat allergies and how to avoid them?  If you suffer from cat allergies, keep reading. Here is the info, are Bengal cats hypoallergenic?

Why are Bengals less likely to cause allergic reactions than other breeds?

Although many people believe that cat dander is the culprit behind allergic reactions, this is not true. Dandruff (dead skin) is a major concern for people with allergies because it is small, airborne, and collects easily on furniture and clothing.

Besides dandruff, other common triggers of allergies are:

  • Saliva
  • Urine and urine
  • sweat
  • Tear
  • Phlegm

They all contain a protein called Fel d1, which is responsible for allergic reactions in cats. It’s light and sticky, which allows it to linger and cause sneezing even if your cat isn’t in the room. Although some breeds produce low amounts of Fel d1, the Bengal cat is not one of them. Here is the info, are Bengal cats hypoallergenic?

Why are Bengal cats considered hypoallergenic? Because all of the substances listed live on cats’ fur, cats that shed excessively are more likely to irritate people with allergies. Bengals have a single-layer coat and are less shed, so humans living with Bengals do not often come into contact with Fel d1.

The Bengal’s coat is short and clings to its body. This gives them a sleek and silky look and doesn’t get dirty easily, reducing the need for self-grooming. Less preparation means less shading, so Fel d1 doesn’t end up everywhere.

What makes Bengal cats hypoallergenic?

When most people pet a Bengal dog for the first time, they immediately notice that its coat is different.

Bengals have short, rough fur—like a rabbit! Although Bengals still shed naturally, it is usually less than other cats. This means fewer allergens are scattered throughout the home. 

 All cats groom themselves for different reasons: they want to be covered in their scent, they want to be clean, and they are extremely sensitive to every hair in their place. But because the Bengal cat’s coat is so smooth and easy to groom, they don’t have to spend as much time grooming as other cats.   Less grooming equals less allergenic fur in your home. Here is the info, are Bengal cats hypoallergenic?

Although some online resources suggest that other breeds of cats produce less Fel d 1, we have not found any valid studies that support this conclusion and do not recommend making this assumption.

However, it is known that male cats generally produce more Fel d 1 than females and unbound males more than bound males. So if you have allergies and are adopting a cat, it’s worth considering the breed. I think you are clear that now, are Bengal cats hypoallergenic?

What to do if you have cat allergies & want a Bengal

If you or a member of your family are allergic to cats, it is important to know how you will react to a Bengal cat before bringing it home. Repatriation is a difficult experience for Bengalis and should be avoided if possible.

So, do whatever you can to expose yourself to Bengalis before you commit to adopting one. Meet a friend who owns a Bengal Dog and see how you react. Or find a Bengal breeder to work with. Visit them several times and spend time with kittens and adults. Monitor your response level to the Bengals in that particular cattery before committing to a kitten.

Tips for the cat-allergic Bengal lover

If you’re absolutely set on getting a Bengal and you’re determined to make it work despite dealing with allergies, there are things you can do to help them live together.

All cats produce saliva, urine, and dander, so you can’t “fix” them. But by working to reduce the prevalence of protein allergens in your environment, you should be able to reduce your level of allergic reactions. Here is the info, are Bengal cats hypoallergenic?

1. Feed a species-appropriate diet

Think about what a healthy diet and good hydration do for your own skin—a lot!

The same goes for cats. By feeding your Bengal cat a quality, species-appropriate diet, you can improve the quality of their skin. This means less dry flaky skin, less dandruff, and fewer allergies for you.

Diet can make a huge difference in your cat’s allergic reaction, so it should be one of the first things you pay attention to.

2. Clean, clean, clean

Be vigilant about cleaning the surfaces of your home on a daily basis. We recommend all Norwex products for this, especially the feather duster and broom mitt, as cat hair adheres so well to the microfiber. Also, don’t use chemicals (which are often allergens themselves) unnecessarily. If possible, avoid having carpets in your home! Allergens settle in soft and porous materials.

3. Use a HEPA air filtration system

Fel 1 d protein is so light that it can stay in the air for a long time.  Consider investing in an air purification system that will help filter the air of allergenic proteins. 

4. Limit your exposure to your Bengal

Don’t kiss her. Wash your hands after handling.  Keep it out of the bedroom to avoid allergens while you sleep.  Ask another family member to clean the litter box. Just be sure to tell your cat “It’s me, not you!”

5. Brush your Bengal

Bathing Bengals can be painful for them, and can actually dry out their skin, causing more dryness and worsening the condition. And bathing only reduces allergies for 24 hours, so it’s not the best option. Are Bengal cats hypoallergenic?

You can do two things instead. 1) brush regularly to remove shedding, and 2) wipe your Bengal with a soft, damp microfiber cloth (this will help remove scales and loose hair and prevent them from entering the environment will go—an easy, stress-free alternative bath).

The most effective brush is the Furminator.

6. Keep the litter box clean

 Ask a non-allergic family member to scoop out the litter box at least twice a day to limit airborne urine exposure. You might even consider running a small air purifier with a litter box at all times.

7. Medicate yourself

If all else fails, self-medication is also an option. There are allergy shots, antihistamines, and decongestants that you can try depending on your personal comfort level.

You can’t completely eliminate cat allergies, but proper nutrition will help reduce your Bengal’s shedding, preventing allergens from reaching you. Creating a perfectly balanced diet will help your kitty’s skin and coat stay hydrated and reduce dryness.

The pillars of any cat diet are:

Animal protein

Animal fat

Animal protein

Our feline companions are obligate carnivores. Feeding them high-quality meat and fish, such as chicken, turkey, tuna, and salmon, is the only way to ensure their growth:

  • Strong muscles
  • Healthy skin
  • Silk coat

Ideally, your Bengal’s diet should be more than 50% animal protein to get enough taurine. An essential amino acid is responsible for maintaining the proper function of organs, muscles, and the CNS (central nervous system).

Do you think this fabulous coat maintains itself? I neeeeeed meeeeeaaaaat!

If your Bengal doesn’t get enough animal protein in its diet, it will affect the quality of its coat, which in turn exacerbates your allergies. Plant proteins are not a suitable substitute – felines cannot break them down. Peas, carrots, and broccoli are not poisonous or dangerous to cats, but they may not provide the nutrients your cat needs to keep them healthy.

Animal fat

Animal fat can be a viable energy source for cats. Fatty acids from animal fats play an important role in keeping your Bengal skin and coat in good condition.

If your Bengali is a picky eater who avoids wet, dry, raw or any other type of food, try offering them food with plenty of animal fat and see how quickly they settle into it. will Animal fat is a great flavor enhancer, and kittens can’t resist it.

Keep your cat’s diet to less than 20 percent fat to prevent weight gain and related problems like obesity and diabetes. I think you are clear that now, are Bengal cats hypoallergenic?

The food your Bengal should avoid

When it comes to coat care, avoiding certain nutrients is just as important as incorporating the right foods. Make sure your cat stays away from:

  • Commercial food full of filler ingredients
  • Common food allergies (dairy, beef, grains, etc.)
  • Toxic ingredients (coffee, chocolate, grapes, or allium vegetables)

In summary…

So, are Bengal cats hypoallergenic? No cat is allergen-free, but Bengals may be considered hypoallergenic and may cause fewer allergic reactions than other cats — you’ll just have to find out for yourself! Please find out before you commit to owning one. 

If you are determined to adopt a Bengal, there are many things you can do to reduce your allergic reactions to a manageable level!

I think you are clear that now, are Bengal cats hypoallergenic?

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